
There are three categories of designated person:

All MPs are automatically designated persons and you can approach any or all of them. You do not have to approach a local MP but if you do, the local MPs for East Devon are:

For the Exmouth and Exeter East Constituency:
David Reed, MP (Conservative)

For the Honiton and Sidmouth Constituency:
Richard Foord, MP (Liberal Democrat)

Both can be contacted by:

Writing to: House of Commons, London, SW1 0AA

Telephoning: 0207 219 8173

Designated persons in East Devon

In East Devon there are 60 district councillors.  However, the council has agreed that certain councillors will act as designated persons. These are:

You can approach them directly or you can contact your own local district councillor who will contact them for you.

The designated tenant complaints panel for the council has been set up by the tenant representative group and is recognised by the Housing Review Board and Housing Ombudsman.

To contact the panel please email or telephone 01395 517453.