News Consultation now open on Farringdon neighbourhood plan
When this content has been created
26 August 2020
Comments on the plan can be made up until Tuesday 20 October
Consultation is now open for people to have their say on Farringdon’s neighbourhood plan which has been submitted to East Devon District Council by the parish council.
The district council is inviting people to comment on the plan up until Tuesday 20th October
The plan sets out policies for the future of Farringdon parish and, if adopted, will be used by the district council’s development management team when considering planning applications within the community.
The plan area is largely open countryside in agricultural use, with small clusters of housing. It is also home to the major tourist attraction of Crealy Adventure Park and the significant employment site at Hill Barton Business Park.
The plan covers a variety of topics including safeguarding the natural environment, retaining the rural character whilst enabling limited development of housing and business use to support locally identified needs.
The district council is formally required to consult on the plan for at least six weeks before it goes to an independent examiner, who will inspect the plan against a series of ‘basic conditions’ that the plan must meet. Should the examiner conclude that the plan meets the basic conditions it will proceed as soon as possible to a local community referendum. Due to COVID-19 restrictions no referendums can be held until May 2021 at the earliest. If more than half of the electors in the local area vote in favour of the plan, it will become part of the statutory development plan for East Devon.
Cllr Dan Ledger, the district council’s portfolio holder for strategic planning, said:
I am delighted to see the progress made by the Farringdon community on the production of their Neighbourhood Plan and encourage interested parties to respond to the current consultation. The submission version of the Neighbourhood Plan is the result of a great deal of hard work by volunteer steering group members, working with the Parish Council to deliver local objectives, informed by extensive public engagement and consultation.
I congratulate the steering group on the production of a Neighbourhood Plan that, with the support of the local community, will serve Farringdon Parish for many years to come.
People can comment on the Farringdon plan on our website where the plan and supporting documents are available to view.
If you wish to comment by email, send your message to or by post to Angela King, Planning Policy Section, East Devon District Council, Blackdown House, Border Road, Honiton, EX14 1EJ. Hard copies of the plan can be viewed by arrangement with Farringdon Parish Council by contacting the Clerk, Alana Sayers by email to or by calling 01395 232439. The plan can also be sent out on request by contacting by email or by calling 01395 571740.
The consultation runs until Tuesday 20th October 2020 and any representations received will be made available on the website with copies also sent to the examiner to consider.