If you have read the guidance on the Planning Portal, but remain unsure whether planning permission is needed for your proposal, we can give you informal advice. Please follow the START button at the foot of this page. 

We are unable to answer enquiries as to whether planning permission is required or not by exchange of emails.

This will cost you £40 (including VAT), payment will be taken at the end of the Householder Enquiry form via the START button at the foot of this page.

Please note:  The enquiry will not be actioned without the fee and it will take up to 15 working days from receipt of all details to answer your query.

If you would like formal advice about whether planning permission is needed for your proposal, you'll need to apply for a lawful development certificate through the  government's Planning Portal. You will have to pay a fee for this - which will vary depending upon the type of development proposed.

If you feel your proposal doesn't need planning permission, you may start works. However, if you carry out works which are not permitted development without necessary consent, you may need to apply for planning permission retrospectively or to remove or alter the works. 

Planning Aid England

Planning Aid England (PAE) provides free, independent, professional planning advice and support to help individuals and communities engage with the planning system.  This includes online guidance and a limited amount of free email advice which can be accessed via an online enquiry form.  In some circumstances PAE may be able to offer additional bespoke support.  To find out more visit Planning aid England.

Highways Advice

Responsibility for the maintenance of most public highways, including any pavement or verge, in East Devon is the responsibility of the Highways Department at Devon County Council. Major highways (trunk roads and Motorways), including any pavement or verges are the responsibility of the Highways Agency.

To assist our planners in making decisions on planning applications, as well as to assist people submitting applications, the Devon County Council's Highways department has produced some advice. Statutory Highways advice.

If you are considering undertaking any works which may impact upon a public highway it is recommended that you contact the relevant organisation for advice. In most instances this will be the Highways Department at Devon County Council  or the Highways Agency.