2. Gypsy and Traveller Site Design and Layout Guidance (Supplementary Planning Document)
We adopted a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) relating to ‘Gypsy and Traveller Site Design and Layout’ on 22 February 2017 (SPD document and adoption statement ). This guidance is based on Government guidance and research, consultation with interested parties, and on the best practice experience of our own and neighbouring Local Authorities.
New sites for Gypsies and Travellers will be identified in a Development Plan Document and the SPD will be used to inform the subsequent design and layout of those new sites. In the meantime, guidance (in the form of the Gypsy and Traveller Site Design and Layout SPD) is needed to inform the determination of any planning applications for Gypsy and Traveller sites which are received by the District Council. The SPD adds detail to Policy H7 of the East Devon Local Plan, which sets out criteria against which new sites/site extensions will be considered. The SPD does not determine WHERE new sites will be permitted (as this is the job of the DPD), it provides guidance on the size, layout and design of new/additional pitches on Gypsy and Traveller sites to ensure that they provide a safe and high quality environment which meets residents basic requirements.
The SPD is supported by the following documents: (add links to documents)
- Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitat Regulations Screening Report
- Equalities Impact Assessment
- Consultation Statement
Consultation on a draft of the SPD, and its supporting documents, was carried out between 4 October and 15 November 2016. The feedback was used to inform the subsequent amendments to the final version of the SPD, which was adopted on 22 February 2017. The consultation responses may be viewed below:
124 - South West Water
232 - Aylesbeare Parish Council
1422 - Mr R Bloxham
3209 - David Lock Associates for East Devon New Community Partners (EDNCp)
3712 - Environment Agency
3743 - Natural England
6154 - South Somerset District Council
7207 - Cranbrook Town Council
7458 - National Federation of Gypsy Liaison Groups
7641 - Landscape Architect, EDDC
7703 - R C Jones
7705 - Environmental Health, EDDC
7706 - Waddeton Park Ltd