6. Useful contacts
Useful Contacts for tenants
Estates Team
for help with your lease agreement
- Giving notice
- Rent reviews
- Renewing the lease
- Parking issues
- Signage or alterations
Email: property@eastdevon.gov.uk
Tel: 01395 571589
Property Services
for help with the condition of your building or yard
- Roof leaks
- Security
- Utilities
- Potholes
Email: property@eastdevon.gov.uk
Tel: 01404 515616
for help with
- Paying an invoice
- Deposits
Email: invoices@eastdevon.gov.uk
Tel: 01395 517492
Business Rates
for help with your business rates
- Small business rate relief
- Rate payments
- Rate arrears
- Rate assessments
Email: businessrates@eastdevon.gov.uk
Tel: 01395 517445
Business Advice and Support
Business Information Point provides confidential advice from qualified advisors on:
- Marketing
- Finance
- Operations
Visit: www.bipwestdevon.biz
Email: team@bipwestdevon.biz
Tel: 0330 1000338
Business Link
helps with starting or running a business.
Visit: www.gov.uk/starting-up-a-business
Tel: 0845 600 9006 (Mon to Fri 0900 – 1800 hours)
Other useful websites: