Funded by UK Government

The Household Support Fund is funding made available by the Department for Work and Pensions and is available from 01 April 2024 to 30 September 2024. It is designed to provide rapid short-term financial support to address economic vulnerability and financial hardship.

The fund can be used for many different things such as help with food and utility costs as well as wider essentials.

A one-off payment of £100 will be made to your household if:

  • You are receiving full Housing Benefit or full Council Tax Reduction* and
  • You have under £3,000 in capital and
  • You have someone living in the household who is disabled or a carer or
  • You are a care leaver who is receiving Council Tax relief or other district benefits such as a Discretionary Housing Payment.

*You get full Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction if your benefit covers your full rent or council tax charge.

We will be sending letters to households who have been allocated an award in the week commencing 17 June 2024. Your letter will give details of how you can claim your payment. If you have not received your letter by 8 July 2024 and you think you should be entitled to a payment, please contact us by email at or by calling 01395 571770.

You can make your application using the blue start button below.

If you need help to complete the application email

If you have not been given a one-off payment, you can still make an application for financial support via our request financial support form.

Please see our policy for full details of the scheme.

If you are applying for help you must

  • Be 16 years or over, and
  • Live within boundaries of East Devon District Council (as your main residence); and
  • Evidence being without sufficient resources to meet the immediate short-term needs of yourself or dependents and
  • Be identified from our existing data sets or apply via an application process (whichever is being operated by the district/city council)

Applicants will be need to have a telephone interview with an officer to discuss their application in further detail.

Residents will normally receive help via vouchers, payments made direct to suppliers or through invoices for works being sent directly to East Devon District Council. We will only make a cash payment in exceptional circumstances and once all other payment options have been explored. Any cash payment agreed will be made directly into the applicant’s bank account.

Repeat applications will be considered on a case by case basis.

EDDC’s Financial Resilience Team will be managing the applications, alongside our other available discretionary funding, to help tackle poverty in our district and work towards rebuilding the financial resilience of those who are struggling financially, in line with East Devon’s Poverty Reduction Strategy.

Further information on the cost of living and help available can be found at Help with the cost of living in Devon - Devon County Council, cost of living support or Financial Support and Advice - East Devon

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