8. Do I need an application to carry out repairs to my house?
Generally no, if the repairs are of a minor nature and you are replacing like for like. This includes, repointing, and replacing a small area of brickwork.
Yes, if the repair consists of removing a major part of a wall and rebuilding it.
In the case of re-roofing, if the new tiling or roofing material is heavier, or lighter, than the existing materials then an approval under Building regulations is required.
Major renovation work can also trigger an application where it involves the renovation of a thermal element (i.e. roof, external walls or floors) where more than 25% of the element is affected (this can affect a variety of works such as re-roofing, re-rendering, re-plastering re-flooring etc). Building regulations now require that where feasible the insulation within these elements is upgraded as part of the renovation works if the existing provisions are insufficient.
The requirements can be fairly complex so we recommend contacting us either by telephone 01395 517482 or by email at buildingcontrol@eastdevon.gov.uk to discuss your particular project.