
  1. The applicant is the person on whose behalf the work is being carried out, e.g. the building or land owner. The agent (if used) is the person who is submitting the application on behalf of the applicant and is the person who all correspondence will be sent to.

  2. This application should be submitted with plans and particulars indicating the works carried out. All plans should be marked with a unique reference number and clearly indicate different revisions.

  3. The fee payable can be confirmed by providing us with details of the proposed works.

    Cheques should be made payable to East Devon District Council.

  4. In accordance with Building Regulation 18 the Council may require an applicant to take reasonable steps, including laying open the unauthorised work for inspection, making tests and taking samples as the Authority think appropriate to ascertain what work, if any, is required to secure compliance with the relevant regulations.

  5. These notes are for general guidance only, full particulars of a ‘Regularisation’ request are contained in Regulation 18 of the Building Regulations 2010, and in respect of charges The Building (Local Authority Charges) Regulations 2010.

  6. Persons who have carried out the building work or have made a material change of use of a building are reminded that permission may also have been required under the Town and Country Planning Act. Please call  01404 515616 to speak to the Planning Department for more information.

  7. The Fire Authority will be consulted where the works relate to premises covered by the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. These include:

    • Offices & shops
    • Premises providing sleeping accommodation (not private dwellings)
    • Residential care
    • Small & medium places of assembly
    • Large places of assembly
    • Factories & warehouses
    • Theatres & cinemas
    • Educational premises
    • Healthcare premises (responsibility of the Department of Health)
    • Transport premises and facilities

    Note:  Single private dwellings are outside the scope of the RRO.

  8. The personal information you provide will be processed by the Council in connection with the relevant legislation and may be used in furtherance of Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act. Please note: the Council has legal obligations to protect and provide information under the Data Protection Act 1998, the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.

  9. New Dwellings - in relation to the erection of a dwelling, a statement is required to be provided relating to any Optional Requirement imposed under planning permission.
  10. Regularisation applications can only be accepted for work carried out after 11th November1985.

  11. Further information and advice concerning the Building Regulations can be obtained by contacting Building Control on 01395 517482 or emailing If in doubt, please ask.