1. Licensing and Enforcement Sub Committee
Under the constitution, no public speaking is allowed at a meeting of the licensing and enforcement sub committee, although the meeting is open to the public.
Licensing and enforcement sub-committee meet to determine licensing applications. At these meetings, due to the requirements of the Licensing Act 2003, only parties to the hearing are allowed to speak at the sub-committee (through their representative as appropriate).
Under the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014, any members of the public are now allowed to take photographs, film and audio record the proceedings and report on all public meetings (including on social media). No prior notification is needed but it would be helpful if you could let the democratic services team know you plan to film or record so that any necessary arrangements can be made to provide reasonable facilities for you to report on meetings. This permission does not extend to private meetings or parts of meetings which are not open to the public. You should take all recording and photography equipment with you if a public meeting moves into a session which is not open to the public.
If you are recording the meeting, you are asked to act in a reasonable manner and not disrupt the conduct of meetings for example by using intrusive lighting, flash photography or asking people to repeat statements for the benefit of the recording. You may not make an oral commentary during the meeting. The chairman has the power to control public recording and/or reporting so it does not disrupt the meeting.