5. Stage 2 - Call for sites, draft methodology and SA/SEA scoping report consultation (1)
Following the previous consultation which considered the matters for inclusion in a Gypsy and Traveller Plan, the next stage of the process was to invite sites to be put forward and consider the criteria against which they should be assessed. This letter was sent to all interested parties whose details are held on our database.
Consultation on the following documents was carried out between 6 November and 5 pm on 4 January 2016.
- Call for sites - landowners are invited to submit land which they feel is suitable for Gypsy and Traveller use using this Gypsy and Traveller site assessment form.
- Methodology for Site Assessment which will be used to assess the suitability of sites submitted in response to the call for sites.
- Sustainability Appraisal/Strategic Environmental Assessment Scoping Report, which is set out in the form of a letter asking what should be considered in the SA/SEA of the Gypsy and Traveller Plan.
The Call for Sites generated some interest and the following sites were submitted for consideration:
Please note: where there is an agent it is shown after the representor name.
There are gaps in the list of Representor Numbers as a unique database number is attributed to any individual or organisation that makes a comment on any planning policy consultation document produced, or who wishes to be advised of consultations that are being undertaken. Not all people/organisations on the database comment on any given document.
(Listed in Representor Number Order)
Date of Consultation: 6 November 2015 - 4 January 2016
List of representors, names, organisations and agents
1242 - West Dorset District Council
3209 - David Lock Associates for East Devon New Community partnership (EDNCp)
6154 - South Somerset District Council
6291 - The Planning Inspectorate
7169 - Bilfinger GVA for Skypark Development Partnership