8. What happens if you are successful
If you are successful in getting funding for your idea/initiative, the grant will need to be spent within 12 months of you receiving it.
We will ask you for some feedback after 12 months. We may also share your application and your evaluation outcomes publicly, to promote the grant scheme.
We will require:
- A completed feedback form, including a minimum of 150 words of free text feedback, which we can use in our communications, publicity materials and on our website and social media channels.
- At least three photos and / or videos that illustrate the activity / project that you have permission to share with us and permission for us to use on social media, send out with a press release, put on our website etc.
- Copies of invoices and receipts for the whole activity / project as soon as it's all be spent.
- Any publicity you generate must clearly acknowledge the contribution we have made to the project.