

When an application is made for a new premises licence or club premises certificate (or an application is made to vary an existing premises licence or club premises certificate) the applicant must advertise the application for a set amount of time. During this time, responsible authorities and any other people can make representations about that application. A representation can be an objection or a positive comment and gives people a chance to put forward their views.

We advertise all applications that are currently within the date for receiving representations. The date by which we must receive your representation is shown at the bottom of each application. We are not able to accept any representations we get after this date.

How to make a representation

You'll need to read our guidance about making a representation.

If your comments relate to one or more of the licensing objectives and you are within the time limit then you can make a representation.


Licensing Act 2003.


If you have an issue with a licensed premises there are different people you should contact depending on the problem.  

Public register

You can view details of existing premises licences and a list of current applications on our licensing public register