Guide Temporary event notices

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1. What is a TEN and how does it work

Temporary event notices (TENs) are for temporary events involving activities which would normally have to be licensed under the Licensing Act 2003.  TENs allow an event organiser to notify us, the police and our environmental health service of small scale events that involve licensable activities which need to be authorised.

These events can be held at a premises where there is already a premises licence or club premises certificate or they can be used to licence an unlicensed premises.

A temporary event notice (TEN) can authorise licensable activities at an event lasting for 7 days or less that is for under 500 people. 

The licensable activities are:

  • The sale or supply of alcohol
  • Plays or films
  • Indoor sporting events, boxing, wrestling
  • Live and recorded music
  • Performance of dance
  • Provision of late night refreshment (hot food and/or drink between 11pm and 5am)

There are certain types of entertainment and late night refreshment that you don't need a licence for.

Providing the notice has been served correctly and meets the criteria laid down in the Licensing Act, the event may go ahead unless a counter notice is served.  A counter notice would be served following objections from the police or our environmental health service or for exceeding the limits listed below.

Objections can only be received from police and environmental health and not members of the public.
