Guide UK Shared Prosperity Fund

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7. Get Involved

How can I access UK Shared Prosperity Fund projects?

  • Apply for our grant schemes - our list of live funding opportunities is available on the grant schemes section of this guide. The Creative East Devon Fund Round 2 is currently open for applications. 
  • Join the Arts and Culture East Devon (ACED) network and view opportunities for training and collaboration on their website.  
  • Join the East Devon Tourism Network. They run quarterly networking events which are open to both members and non-members to foster collaboration and share best practice. 
  • Get involved with the Creative Cabin run by Thelma Hulbert Gallery - a creative travelling space to explore art and nature in your neighbourhood.
  • Explore the LED in the Community page to find opportunities to get active in your community, including Wellbeing Walks, Strength & Balance, and health and wellbeing days. 
  • Sign-up to Prosper to receive fully funded business support across the board including goals for growth, Net Zero, and start-up support. 
  • Attend a training session run by East Devon's Council for Voluntary Service. The full training catalogue for next year is available now. Email the team at to get support for your organisation. 
  • Access employment support, including a supported employment provision, one-to-one guidance, and find training opportunities via the East Devon Employment Hub. Located in the Beehive, Honiton, our advisors are trained to provide both in-person and online support. 
  • Sign-up for our fully-funded Retrofit Courses, run by Exeter College. Four courses are available between August and November for both residents and industry professionals who are interested in learning more about domestic retrofitting. 

We will keep this page updated as and when new projects go live.