Guide UK Shared Prosperity Fund

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3. Projects

What projects have received UK Shared Prosperity Funding?

All projects were developed under one of three themes: Communities and Place, Supporting Local Business, and People and Skills. Funding for People and Skills projects will be made available in 2024/25. 

Communities and Place

Action on Poverty Fund - Grants to support households living in poverty with energy efficiency measures. This work will be funded in 2023/24 and 2024/25. 

Active Travel Programme - Funding to develop additional cycleways to increase active travel take-up. This work will be funded in 2024/25. 

Council for Voluntary Service - Funding to establish a new East Devon CVS to provide  support for our voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector. This provision will be funded for the duration of the three year UKSPF funding period.  

Culture Programme - Funding to deliver the Cultural Strategy, including training for local cultural groups, creative workshops and the Creative East Devon Fund grant scheme. This provision will be funded for the duration of the three year UKSPF funding period. 

Leisure Programme - Funding for LED to deliver community projects linked to the Leisure Strategy. This provision will be funded for the duration of the three year UKSPF funding period. 

Carbon Action Fund - Grant funding for rural East Devon community organisations and businesses to decarbonise their buildings. This provision was funded in 2023/24 through the Culture, Leisure and Tourism Fund. Further funding will be available in 2024/25 through the Carbon Action Fund. 

Supporting Local Business

Business Support Programme - Funding to provide the Prosper programme of general business support services, with specialist support for start-ups, net zero and agri-tech. This provision will be funded for the duration of the three year UKSPF funding period. 

East Devon Towns Feasibility Work - Funding to identify regeneration and development opportunities within our towns. This work will be funded for the duration of the three year UKSPF funding period. 

Innovation and Resilience Fund - Grant funding for East Devon businesses looking to increase productivity and create jobs by growing or diversifying their business. This provision will be funded for the duration of the two year REPF funding period through the Innovation and Resilience Fund Rounds 2 and 3. 

Sustainable Tourism Programme - Funding to deliver the Tourism Strategy, including funding for the East Devon Tourism Network. This provision will be funded for the duration of the three year UKSPF funding period. 

People and Skills

Employment Support Programme - Funding to assist individuals to find training opportunities and obtain and remain in employment. This provision will include supported employment provision and tailored support for individual with additional needs. This provision will be funded in 2024/25. 

Retrofit Programme - Funding to support individuals to enter the retrofit sector through skills development and qualifications in retrofitting. This provision will be funded in 2024/25.