Guide UK Shared Prosperity Fund

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8. Highlights

What has been achieved so far with UK Shared Prosperity Funding?

  • Development of a Council for Voluntary Service for East Devon which will provide support and strengthen the voluntary and community sector.
  • Development of the Arts and Culture East Devon (ACED) network and ACED website which provides a central platform to engage, promote, and talk about arts and culture in the region.
  • Delivery of training courses to the ACED Network, including carbon literacy, funding, and marketing training.
  • Establishment of the East Devon Tourism Network to enable tourism businesses get closer to net zero, improve their accessibility, raise the quality of their product and service and work collaboratively with other tourism businesses and partners.
  • The Creative Cabin has been on the road visiting schools and community groups to engage young people in arts projects with environmental themes. 
  • The Innovation and Resilience Fund Rounds 2 and 3 have awarded over £440,000 to local businesses to decarbonise, improve productivity, and create high value employment. The full list of recipients and their projects can be found on our IRF webpages.
  • The launch of the Prosper programme of free business support to East Devon businesses, with specialist support for start-ups and businesses seeking to decarbonise.
  • The Culture, Leisure, and Tourism Fund has awarded over £180,000 to community organisations looking to decarbonise and to tourism businesses either seeking funding to reduce their carbon footprint or improve their accessibility above statutory requirements. 
  • The Creative East Devon Fund has awarded over £30,000 to 14 projects to fund cultural and creative organisations and events across the district. 
  • The Leisure Programme has enabled over 10,000 residents to participate in community leisure activities, including Pickleball, This Girl Can, and Seachange.