9. Cabinet report about the governance review for Colyford
A report was taken to the East Devon District Council Cabinet meeting on the 13 July 2022 following the first stage consultation. You can review the report by reading the cabinet meeting report and reading item 38.
It was recommended at that meeting that Senior Officers approve:
1. Having regard to the relevant statutory criteria and the results of the first phase of consultation that a new Parish Council be established for the area known as ‘Colyford’ and that this proposal be formally published with a 3 month period for representations.
2. That the proposed boundary be as set out (reflecting comments made by local residents in the consultation).
3. That the new Parish Council be known as ‘Colyford Parish Council’ with a membership of 7 councillors and that no warding provisions were incorporated.
4. The membership of Colyton Parish Council be reduced from 13 to 11 councillors.