Guide Transformation Strategy (2017 -2022)

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7. Key ‘strategic imperatives’ for transformation: 5. Actively pursue alternative service delivery methods and models

5. Actively pursue alternative service delivery methods and models.

Reviewing our service delivery model

Systems thinking reviews provide opportunities for the Council to pursue alternative methods of delivery to achieve efficiency and what matters to the customer.

Whilst there has been encouragement for authorities to provide services jointly on the basis of perceived significant cost savings, this has not always been borne out when detailed option appraisal has been done. However, now Strata Service Solutions Ltd has been formed, this will facilitate the sharing of systems. Individual business cases will be taken forward where the initial high level assessment indicates that they will deliver significant, quantifiable savings in the short, medium and long term.

Delivering services with communities

The role of the organisation may need to adapt in some areas from being a direct provider of services with professional officers providing the solutions to more of an enabler, helping local communities and supporting them to find their own solutions.

It is not intended that there should be a uniform approach for all service areas but instead to allow service areas to consider this if appropriate and move forward at the right pace.

EDDC needs to develop its thinking and debate about the extent to which services could be delivered with, rather than for communities. This is a process which will require recognising and identifying the knowledge, skills and experience which already exist locally and which can be developed and employed to mutual benefit. The impact should be to raise morale, enhance resilience, encourage greater independence and support communities to assume responsibility for local services.

When thinking about how we deliver services there could be greater scope to involve towns and parishes and community led service delivery.

Review of General Fund Housing activities

Owner: John Golding Strategic Lead

Timescale: 2017/18

Potential savings/value creation: Saving of £30k.

Review of Pre Application planning advice to include listed building conservation advice.

Owner: Ed Freeman Service Lead

Timescale: 2017/18

Potential savings/value creation: Additional Income between £20k - £30k.

Introduction of CIL offset existing costs

Owner: Ed Freeman Service Lead

Timescale: 2017/18

Potential savings/value creation: Saving of £34k.

Street Scene - additional external contract works

Owner: Andrew Hancock Service Lead

Timescale: 2017/18

Potential savings/value creation: Additional Income £2k.

Street Scene - recovering costs for event clear ups such as Tar Barrels, Folk Festival, Carnivals, etc.

Owner: Andrew Hancock Service Lead

Timescale: 2017/18

Potential savings/value creation: Recovery of costs £9k estimate


Owner: John Golding Strategic Lead

Timescale: 2017/18

Potential savings/value creation: £200k additional income - implementation of business plan attracting private customers.


Owner: Simon Davey Strategic Lead

Timescale: 2017/18

Potential savings/value creation: Shared procurement function

Corporate Counter Fraud & Compliance

Owner: Libby Jarrett Service Lead

Timescale: 2017/18

Potential savings/value creation: £30k additional income