Guide Complaints procedure

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7. How can complaints be made

Customers can make a complaint in a way that best suits them.  We encourage any customer who has a concern about a particular service to make contact with us straight away.  Early complaints give us the best opportunity to resolve an issue quickly.

Complaints can be made:

  • Online Make a complaint - East Devon
  • by email
  • in writing EDDC, Border Road, Heathpark Industrial Estate, Honiton EX14 1EJ

We encourage complaints to be made in written form as this ensures that we correctly understand the nature of the complaint and that all key areas are covered. However, where a complainant is unable to communicate with us in this form, we will accept a complaint over the phone or in person. Where we do so, we will confirm our understanding of the complaint in writing. We will consider our duties under the Equality Act 2010 and make reasonable adjustments for complainants in order to enable them to access our complaints process.

All staff are aware of the council’s complaints procedure and can take details of a complaint directly. They can then refer the matter to the council’s complaints team who will progress the complaint.