Guide Complaints procedure

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13. What about when we get it wrong?

When a complaint is found to be justified the Council will set out the actions we have already taken and those we intend to take to put things right. These can include:

  • Apologising
  • Acknowledging where things have gone wrong
  • Providing an explanation, assistance or reasons
  • Taking action if there has been a delay
  • Reconsidering or changing a decision
  • Providing a financial remedy
  • Reviewing or changing polices/procedures or practices
  • Apologise to the complainant(s)
  • Explain what has been/will be done to put the mistake right.
  • Explain how the error occurred and what has been done to prevent it happening again.


Any remedy offered will reflect the impact on the complainant(s) of any fault identified and will be in accordance with our published Compensation Policy, see Annex B for the guidance on remedies.