

If you want to make changes to your club premises certificate then it's likely that you'll need to apply for a variation. There are two types of variation application, a full variation or a minor variation.  

The type of application you need to apply for will depend on the change you want to make and if it is likely to impact on the licensing objectives. These are:  

  • the prevention of crime and disorder
  • public safety
  • the prevention of public nuisance
  • the protection of children from harm

If the changes could impact on the licensing objectives then you must apply for a full variation.  For example, if you want to:

  • extend the opening hours of the premises
  • make major changes to the premises or change the layout of the bar area
  • add the supply of alcohol to club members or the sale of alcohol to a guest of a club member as an activity
  • authorise the supply of alcohol between 11pm and 7am or
  • increase the number of hours that alcohol may be supplied on any day 

If the changes are small and don't impact the licensing objectives then you can apply for a minor variation.

Please be aware that if you are planning on making significant changes to your premises you may need to apply for a new club premises certificate.

If you're not sure what type of application to apply for then please telephone us for advice.

How to apply

You can apply for a full variation to your club premises certificate online or in paper form.


Only the club premises certificate holder or their agent can apply for a variation.


Further guidance about club premises certificates, the effect of the Act and the licensable activities is in our GN1 guide to the Licensing Act 2003 and our general guidance for clubs.


Licensing Act 2003


If you have an issue with a licensed premises there are different people you should contact depending on the problem.  

Public register

You can view details of existing club premises certificates and a list of current applications on our licensing public register.