7. What happens if you get a grant
This fund is currently closed to new applications while we re-consider our corporate grants and funding process. We have a grants mailing list which will send out an email notification when it has reopened to new applications. To be added to our grants mailing list, please contact us at engagement@eastdevon.gov.uk.
If you are successful in getting funding for your idea/initiative, the grant will need to be spent within 3 months of you receiving it.
We will ask you for some feedback after 3 months. We may also share your application and your evaluation outcomes publicly, to promote the grant scheme and to encourage others to apply.
We will require:
- A minimum of 250 words of feedback, which we can use in our communications, publicity materials and on our website and social media channels.
- Copies of invoices and receipts relating to the grant provided.
- Any publicity you generate must clearly acknowledge the contribution we have made to the project.