13. Enforcement
6.50 The Council has a duty to carry out enforcement where it becomes aware of or receives allegations which concern unauthorised trading (trading in a street without first obtaining a consent) or non-compliance with street trading consents that have been granted.
6.51 The Council will actively enforce the provisions of this Policy and street trading within its area in a fair and consistent manner. In doing so all enforcement activities will comply with the Council’s Regulatory Enforcement and Prosecution Policy - Principles of Enforcement - Policy - East Devon The Council may at any time revoke a consent or vary the conditions of an existing consent where there are reasonable grounds for so doing.
6.52 Consent holders should allow access to authorised officers of the Council and Police Officers at all reasonable times. Council officers will carry with them and produce on request official identity cards issued by East Devon District Council. If you have any doubts about a person claiming to be from East Devon District Council ask to see their official identification card. If you remain uncertain please contact the Council on 01404 515616 to confirm the identity of an employee.
6.53 East Devon District Council has an agreed Complaints procedure for dealing with complaints about the services it delivers.