9. Stage 3 - site assessment
6.18 Officers will assess the suitability of the site for the street trading activity to occur.
6.19 Street trading consents from static locations will generally not be granted where;
- A significant effect on road safety would arise either from the siting of the trading activity itself, or from customers visiting or leaving the site, or
- There are concerns over the recorded level of personal injury accidents in the locality where the street trading activity will be sited, or
- There is a conflict with Traffic Orders such as waiting restrictions, or
- The site or pitch obstructs either pedestrian or vehicular access, or traffic flows, or places pedestrians in danger when in use for street trading purposes, or
- The trading unit obstructs the safe passage of users of the footway or carriageway through the existence of any trading vehicle on a road or highway increasing risks to road users, or
- The pitch interferes with sight lines for any road users such as at road junctions, or pedestrian crossing facilities, or
- The site does not allow the consent holder, staff and customers to park in a safe manner, or
- The street trading activity is carried out after dusk and the site is not adequately lit to allow safe access and egress from the site for both customers and staff.
- The siting and operation of any stall, barrow etc. operated by a consent holder or people employed by them causes problems of highway safety, obstruction to users of the highway, or conflict with the requirement of emergency vehicles
- Street trading requests for certain areas of Exmouth Seafront may not be considered suitable, due to health and safety and highway issues. Each application will be considered on its own merit.
- The impact of proposed trading within an area managed under Public Spaces Protection Orders
- East Devon will be considered on its own merits at the application stage. Where trading consent is subject of anti-social behaviour and/or breaches of a PSPO, the council reserves the right to revoke trading consent and to refuse future trading consents.
- Street trading requests for locations in Cranbrook will be considered on their merits. Emergence of issues including the growth of the town and transport identified that most roads are unsuitable for the purposes of street trading. Cranbrook is a designated healthy New Town (HNT) and that status is recognized by Licensing when receiving applications in the town. East Devon District Council and Cranbrook Town Council have prepared guidelines when considering new applications (see document Policy Guidelines – Cranbrook).
6.20 In certain circumstances and for larger events or markets, it may be necessary for a road closure order to be obtained by the event organiser to mitigate risks to safety.