Guide Neighbourhood Plans being produced in East Devon

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41. Woodbury

Pre-Submission Consultation (Regulation 14)

Woodbury Parish Council are currently consulting on the pre-submission version of their neighbourhood plan.  Documents and details of how to comment are available on the parish council website.  Comments to be made direct to the parish council by or before the closing date of 22 July 2024.

Environmental Screening

Officers prepared a screening opinion to consider whether the draft neighbourhood plan should be subject to a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) or Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA).  We consulted on this with the relevant bodies (Environment Agency, Historic England and Natural England).  The conclusion was that neither an SEA or HRA was required and the consultees were satisfied with this conclusion.

Neighbourhood Area Designation

On 12 June 2013 Cabinet agreed to designate Woodbury Parish as a neighbourhood area. This was proposed by Woodbury Parish Council.

Woodbury application form

Woodbury publicity notice

An interactive map can be viewed by visiting the Neighbourhood Planning Interactive Map.