Guide Neighbourhood Plans being produced in East Devon

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11. Clyst Honiton


The Clyst Honiton Neighbourhood Plan examination is now underway.  The appointed examiner is Ann Skippers.

The examination will review the contents of the Plan and the responses to the recent Submission Consultation. It will consider if the Plan complies with the relevant legal requirements and whether it can go forward to the final stages of plan making (either in its current form, or with any amendments).

The examiner has been provided with a full set of documentation, including all responses to the recent Submission consultation (shown below).

The Examiner has now issued a set of clarifications questions for response by both the District and Parish Councils.  The responses will also be published when they are available.

Submission Consultation (Regulation 16)

Clyst Honiton Parish Council prepared and submitted the Clyst Honiton Neighbourhood Development Plan to East Devon District Council in January/February 2024. 

We undertook a Legal Compliance Assessment of the submission which assessed the Plan as able to proceed to the next stage of formal consultation (known as Regulation 16). 

The consultation ran just over 6 weeks, from 28th February to 12th April 2024.  The formal Notice of the consultation confirms the details.

The key Submission documents are available to view:

Clyst Honiton Neighbourhood Plan (Submission Version)

Consultation Statement

Basic Conditions Statement

Plan Appendices and other supporting documentation also available to view:

  1. Appendix 1 Strategic Environmental Assessment
  2. Appendix 2 Habitat Regulations Assessment
  3. Appendix 3 Consultation Statement (as above)
  4. Appendix 4 Sustainability Appraisal
  5. Appendix 5 Basic Conditions Statement (as above)
  6. Appendix 6 Housing Needs Survey 2020
  7. Appendix 7A Village Character Assessment 2015
  8. Appendix 7B Clyst Honiton Design Code
  9. Appendix 8 EDDC District Heating Local Development Order Map
  10. Appendix 9 Neighbourhood Plan Site Appraisal 2015
  11. Appendix 10 Housing Needs Assessment Report 2016
  12. Appendix 11a Viability Study 2016
  13. Appendix 11bi Viability Scoping Opinion 2023
  14. Appendix 11bii Viability Scoping Opinion 2023 (Appendices)
  15. Appendix 12 Noise Assessment Report 2023 plus addendum
  16. Appendix 13 Green Infrastructure Strategy 2017
  17. Appendix 14 EDDC Employment Land Review 2018
  18. Appendix 15 Bypass Site Economy Report 2019
  19. Appendix 16 EDDC Villages Plan 2018
  20. Appendix 17 Local Green Space Assessments
  21. Appendix 18 Clyst Honiton Road Closure document for DCC
  22. Appendix 19 Neighbourhood Plan Policy Monitoring Document
  23. Appendix 20 Community Actions Policy Monitoring Document
  24. Appendix 21 Housing Site Allocations Report
  25. Appendix 22 Equalities Impact Assessment
  26. Appendix 23 Community Survey Summary Report 2015
  27. Neighbourhood Plan Area Map

In addition, our Screening Opinion for Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) is available to view.

The Submission documents and further information about the Neighbourhood Plan are also available on the Clyst Honiton Parish Council website.

Comments received in response to the Consultation are now available to view:

Chris Rudge

East Devon District Council (Officer comments, subject to Cabinet approval at meeting on 1st May 2024)

Church Commissioners for England

Devon Countryside Access Forum 1

Devon Countryside Access Forum 2

Devon Countryside Access Forum 3

Historic England

McMurdo Land Planning and Development Ltd on behalf of Stuart Partners Ltd

National Highways

Natural England

Planning Prospects on behalf of Exeter and Devon Airport Ltd

Planning Prospects on behalf of Exeter and Devon Airport Ltd (continuation sheet)

Sport England

Turley on behalf of Bloor Homes SW and Stuart Partners Ltd

Please note: Representations are sent as received to the Examiner.  Personal details are redacted for publishing on our website in line with the Neighbourhood Planning privacy notice.

Pre-Submission Consultation (Regulation 14)

Clyst Honiton Parish Council consulted on the Pre-Submission Version of their Neighbourhood Plan and Neighbourhood Development Order during June to August 2023. 

The Plan was considered in the light of the consultation responses and a Submission Version agreed by the Parish Council.

The documents as consulted on at Regulation 14 stage are available on the Parish Council website.  

Neighbourhood Area Designation

Clyst Honiton Parish Council originally requested the whole of their parish be designated a neighbourhood area.  A revised area was approved by Cabinet on 2 April 2014. Reasons for the amended boundary and an amended plan are available to view and download here.

Clyst Honiton application form

Clyst Honiton map

Clyst Honiton publicity notice

Clyst Honiton statement of reasons for reduced neighbourhood area

Revised map of the Clyst Honiton Neighbourhood Plan area

An interactive map can be viewed by visiting the Neighbourhood Planning Interactive Map.