Guide Neighbourhood Plans being produced in East Devon

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13. Colyton and Colyford (made)


On 10 January 2022, East Devon District Council decided to ‘make’ (adopt) the Colyton Neighbourhood Plan.  In June 2024, to reflect the creation of the new parish of Colyford in the south of the Plan Area, a minor modification was agreed to change the name of the plan to the Colyton and Colyford Neighbourhood Plan.

This Plan forms part of the Development Plan for East Devon alongside any other made neighbourhood plans, the adopted East Devon Local Plan 2013-2031, and the Devon Minerals and Waste Plan. Its adoption follows the successful referendum on 2 December 2021, where 91% of residents who voted were in favour of the Plan.

The Plan will be used to help make decisions on planning applications and guide future development in the parishes of Colyton and Colyford.

More information about the preparation of this plan is provided below, as well as on the Colyton Parish Council website.  Hard copies of Plan documentation can be viewed by prior arrangement at the District Council Offices at Blackdown House, Border Road, Heathpark Industrial Estate, Honiton.


A local referendum was held on 2 December 2021 on the Colyton Parish Neighbourhood Plan. The referendum asked residents in the parish of Colyton the following question:

"Do you want East Devon District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Colyton Parish to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?"

The results, confirmed in the published Declaration, are as follows:

  • Number cast in favour of a 'YES'

578 (91%)

  • Number cast in favour of a 'NO'

59 (9%)

  • Turnout: 22.9%

The Referendum Version of the Neighbourhood Plan is available to view.

The full set of documents for the referendum can be found on the Electoral Services page of our website.


The Colyton Neighbourhood Plan has been examined.  The appointed independent examiner was Deborah McCann.  The conclusions of the examination were that, subject to a number of amendments, the Plan met the necessary 'Basic Conditions' and could proceed to referendum.  The Examiner's Final Report (revised issue September 2021) is available to view.

In undertaking the examination, the Examiner considered a full set of Plan documentation, including all responses received to the Submission consultation (see under Submission heading below). In addition, consideration was given to a response from the Parish Council regarding the wording of Policy Coly8 to a question posed by the Examiner. 

East Devon District Council formally considered the recommendations from the independent examination of the Colyton Parish Neighbourhood Plan at its Cabinet meeting on 6 October 2021. We determined that the Plan, with the Examiner's recommended amendments, meets the necessary 'basic conditions' and could go forward to local vote in a referendum. This was confirmed by the issue of a formal Decision Notice.

Submission Consultation (Regulation 16)

Colyton Parish Council (as the qualifying body) prepared and submitted the Colyton Neighbourhood Development Plan (Submission Version) to East Devon District Council in March 2021. The District Council held an 8 week consultation inviting comments (representations) on the Plan. This consultation closed on 22nd June 2021.

The Submitted documents, which are now at examination, are:

The draft (Pre-Submission) Plan was also subject to a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) following an SEA/HRA Screening Assessment carried out by East Devon District Council. EDDC considered the changes to the Plan between pre-Submission and Submission stage and concluded that there was no need for further SEA/HRA screening or re-assessment to be carried out.

The District Council undertook a Legal Compliance Assessment of the Neighbourhood Plan submission. This assessed the Plan as able to proceed to the formal (Regulation 16) consultation. The formal Notice of the consultation confirms the details.

Comments received during the consultation as as follows:

In addition, an anonymous response was received from 'Concerned Members of Colyton Parish'. Anonymous responses are not accepted by EDDC. However as this raises issues that it is considered may be relevant to the examination it has been passed to the examiner to determine whether it is given any consideration.  It is published here for transparency.

Pre-Submission Consultation (Regulation 14)

Colyton Parish Council consulted on the Pre-Submission Version of their Neighbourhood Plan for 10 weeks from 5th October 2020 until 5pm on 14th December 2020.

The Plan was considered in the light of the consultation responses and a Submission Version has been agreed by the Parish Council. More details can be found on the Parish Council website and in the Submission documentation above.

Neighbourhood Plan Designation

Colyton Parish Council requested that their parish be designated as a neighbourhood area . The designation was approved on the 27 July 2015.

More information about the Colyton Neighbourhood Plan and Plan Area is also available on the Colyton Parish Council website