Guide Neighbourhood Plans being produced in East Devon

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6. Bishops Clyst (made)

First Review

The Bishops Clyst Neighbourhood Plan was 'made' in 2017 (full details below).  Bishops Clyst Parish Council are currently preparing a revised neighbourhood plan.  The proposed revised plan is currently at its first formal (pre-submission or Regulation 14) consultation.  The documents and details of how to comment are available on the parish council website

Comments to made direct to the parish council by or before 5pm on 26 August 2024.


On the 8 March 2017, Cabinet resolved to ‘make’ the Bishops Clyst Neighbourhood Plan so that it forms part of the Development Plan for East Devon alongside the adopted East Devon Local Plan 2013-2031, and the Devon Minerals and Waste Plan. This was following the successful referendum on 26 January 2016.

A final version of the Plan is available to view.


On the 26 January 2017, a referendum was held on the Bishops Clyst Neighbourhood Plan where residents were asked the following question:

"Do you want East Devon District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Bishops Clyst to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?"

The results are as follows:

Number cast in favour of a 'YES'


Number cast in favour of a 'NO'


Turnout: 25.4%

The Declaration of the Result is available to download.

The supporting referendum documents are available to download:

Bishops Clyst Neighbourhood Plan

Table of Comments

Examiner's Report

Decision Statement

Information Statement

Information for voters


Mr McGurk was appointed to examine the Bishops Clyst Neighbourhood Plan, a process which commenced on 5 September 2016. The process was undertaken on the basis of considering the written material which forms the plan, its appendices and accompanying statements as well as any representations received in response to the formal consultations.

The report into the examination is available to view.

Bishops Clyst Submission of Plan to Local Authority- Regulation 16

Bishops Clyst Parish Council as the qualifying body prepared and submitted the Bishops Clyst Neighbourhood Development Plan to East Devon District Council.

Submission Notice of Publication

The Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents can be found by following the links below:

Bishops Clyst Neighbourhood Plan

Consultation Statement Part 1

Consultation Statement Part 2

Basic Conditions Statement

The Neighbourhood Plan was available for comment until the 15th August 2016. The responses received during the consultation can be found below.

East Devon District Council response

England and Wales Cricket Board

Highways England

JLL on behalf of Friends Life

The FA Group

Mr N Macauley

Mr R Hutton

National Grid

Natural England

Network Rail

PCL Planning for Mr and Mrs Bayliss

South West Water

Sport England 1

Sport England 2

Sport England 3

Historic England

The next stage of the process will be to appoint an Examiner to review the contents of the plan alongside representations made during the consultation period.

Neighbourhood Area Designation

Bishops Clyst Parish Council requested the whole of their parish (Clyst St Mary and Sowton) be designated a neighbourhood area. The designation was approved on 5 March 2014. 

Bishops Clyst application form

Bishops Clyst map

Bishops Clyst publicity notice

Report to Cabinet meeting

Comments from Natural England

Comments from English Heritage

Comments from Devon County Council

An interactive map can be viewed by visiting the Neighbourhood Planning Interactive Map.