Guide Neighbourhood Plans being produced in East Devon

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39. West Hill


The parish of West Hill is currently covered by the joint Ottery St Mary and West Hill Neighbourhood Plan, formally 'made' on 19 July 2018.

Information about the stages of the preparation of this plan are available on the Ottery St Mary page.

Following an application by West Hill Parish Council, the parish of West Hill was confirmed as a separate designated Neighbourhood Area for future neighbourhood planning activity in December 2023.  More details on this designation are available below.   The joint Ottery St Mary and West Hill Neighbourhood Plan will continue to be used in the determination of applications in the parish of West Hill until such time as it is replaced with a new plan.

Neighbourhood Area Designation

West Hill Parish Council requested that the whole of their parish be designated a Neighbourhood Area, separate to the Ottery St Mary and West Hill joint neighbourhood area that was previously designated. The new West Hill Neighbourhood Area designation was approved on the 6 December 2023.

The decision notice and map of the Neighbourhood Area are available to view.

The full details of the application and the consultation are available below:

West Hill application form

West Hill map

West Hill publicity notice

Comments made during the consultation:

A Carr

Environment Agency

Environment Agency attachment

Historic England

Historic England attachment 1

Historic England attachment 2

Historic England attachment 3

K and P Ashcroft

M Hall

National Highways

Natural England

P and D Group on behalf of The Chancery Land Company (1935) Ltd.

P Munns

Sport England

Ward Councillor - J Bailey


An interactive map can be viewed by visiting the Neighbourhood Planning Interactive Map.